Every person in Rockingham matters deeply, and that includes you.

Christmas is a wonderful time to share gifts, enjoy special meals, and take a moment to pause. But sometimes, when the food is finished and the gifts have lost their sparkle, we’re left with a deeper longing for something that truly satisfies.

That’s why we’re so passionate about the message of Jesus. He said, “Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” He wasn’t just talking about food or drink, but about the deep needs of our hearts – the need for hope, purpose, and a relationship with our Creator.

Jesus came to bring us back to God, so we can know Him as a friend and experience the kind of peace and joy that nothing in this world can take away. If you’d like to explore this amazing hope further, there are a number of local churches below who would love to help.

Wishing you a joyful and hope-filled Christmas, The Love Rockingham Team

Here is a list of the participating churches and their information but there are lots of wonderful churches in our city, we would love to have you come visit.

Everhope Church
Regular Sundays 9:30am
Location: Secret Harbour Surf Life Saving Club, 11 Palermo Cove, Secret Harbour

Hope Community Church
Christmas Service Wednesday 25 December at 9:30am
Regular Sundays 9:30am
16 Helmshore Way, Port Kennedy

Link Church Baldivis
Christmas Service Sunday 22 December at 4:00pm
Regular Sundays 4pm
Baldivis South Community Centre, 13 Lamorak Way, Baldivis

Nations Church
Christmas Service Tuesday 24 December at 5:00pm
Regular Sundays 9am & 11am
16 Helmshore Way, Port Kennedy
P: 9330 8306

Paradox Church
Christmas Service Tuesday 24 December at 5:00pm
Regular Sundays 9:30am
13 Fifty Road Baldivis
P: 9591 8219

Rockingham Baptist Church
Christmas Service Wednesday 25 December at 9:30am
Regular Sundays 9:30am
30 Gnangara Drive, Waikiki
P: 9540 4455

Rockingham Uniting Church
Regular Sundays 9:30am
4 Erindoon Way, Waikiki
P: 9527 1014

Rockingham Well
Regular Sundays 4pm
30 Gnangara Drive, Waikiki

Sound City Church
Regular Sundays 9am
5 McCamey Avenue, Rockingham
P: 9592 2457

The Salvation Army Church Rockingham
First Sunday on the month at 10:00am, Fortnightly Wednesday Chapel Service at 10:00am
1-7 Willmott Drive, Cooloongup
P: 9527 3460

Unique Creative Church
P: 0499 761 499

Warnbro Community Church
Sunday 9am and 10.45am
85 Warnbro Sound Drive, Warnbro
P: 9593 2133